Learn the Types of Results Our Clients Have been getting applying This simple practice:

NSRP has been shown to be effective in improving or enhancing the following areas of life for our clients: 

anxiety · decreased fear response · ADHD· lack of motivation · improved cognitive function · feeling stuck · mental or physical fatigue · increased sense of well-being · feeling more safe and secure · safe bonding and connection in relationships · moving through grief · enhanced mental clarity · improved emotional intelligence and resilience · improving depression symptoms· improved self-reliance and trust · effective communication · better quality relationships · setting healthy boundaries · improving physical health · aligned and healthy eating · decreased dependence on alcohol (or other addictions) · improving sleep quality · better stress tolerance · adaptability to change ·

Did you know that over 12,857 people just like you have tackled their anxiety, stopped procrastinating, improved their health, mended relationships, and found new ways to succeed in just two days?

They achieved this through our breakthrough Nervous System Reset Protocol (NSRP).

The best part is that once you learn how to do it, it only takes 10 minutes, three times a week, to see incredible, long-lasting results.

You can easily make these changes too!

Just focus on the three important areas we'll share with you below.

Welcome to the Satori Prime Community, where we guide you to a new way of experiencing your life, relationships, mental and emotional health, and work life.

It's crucial to recognize that our negative habits and trauma are not created in isolation; humans are social creatures by our very nature.

Trauma is developed from situations where our deepest inner needs were not met during our informative years with our parents or primary caregivers.

These traumas can become 'frozen in time' within our bodies and express themselves as subtle blocked energy, easily noticeable once you're trained to detect it.

While traditional therapy and mindset strategies are useful, they often fall short in creating true healing experiences because they don't typically address this 'stuck energy' and so cannot provide true relief that can be felt.

Since trauma does not occur in isolation, it is doubly important that when doing 'healing work', we don't do it in isolation either.

Working in 'energetic tandem' with others is the quickest way to transform and heal yourself by 'borrowing' someone else's nervous system safety.

We know this may sound strange initially, but it works like magic, and it's the same way we found safety as children - NSRP simply mimics our subtle energetic and mental needs naturally.

Once we realized that we could ONLY heal ourselves with another person's presence, we applied proven awareness techniques and immediately noticed that our transformation and healing experiences significantly enhanced and accelerated.

We then saw the same results for our clients and students and knew we had made an important discovery: We've evolved into a full-on course and practice that anyone can master in a few days!

Traditional Mindset, Therapy, or Personal Development Training Simply Doesn't Cut It

Many self-improvement enthusiasts and those looking to transform their lives have read countless books, taken various courses, or experienced years of therapy. 

Yet, they still don't see the results they want.

They often end up managing their thoughts better, but deep down, the struggle with old habits persists. This ongoing internal battle can feel exhausting and even defeating, leaving us resigned and apathetic that change is not possible for us.

We're here to tell you that REAL CHANGE is very possible for anyone!

Relying solely on mindset techniques usually results in better-coping mechanisms without truly addressing the underlying issues. 

These "issues" are often the symptoms of an over-reactive nervous system that desperately tries to find safety when overstimulated by stress, overwhelm, fatigue, or anxiety.

So, how can we truly break free and enhance every aspect of our lives? 

Our approach goes beyond traditional mental insights or breakthroughs. 

We focus intensely on unlocking the potential of your body's innate intelligence through simple exercises that anyone can begin mastering in a few hours. 

When applied regularly,  these exercises allow anyone to quickly change their nervous system's automatic reactions layer-by-layer and nearly guarantee success.

A Unique Blend of Ancient Wisdom Practices & Neuro-Science Techniques

We blend ancient wisdom practices with modern scientific methods to create a unique experience that few people, no matter how seasoned, have encountered before.

This means you won’t have to manage your mind's automatic reactions anymore constantly. They will disappear altogether or no longer bother you!

Through our program, you'll transform those spontaneous reactions, often perceived as uncontrollable, into thoughtful responses. You'll become a person who can navigate your circumstances from a place of stability rather than reacting to past negative conditioning and trauma patterns.

Think of these automatic reactions as an alarm system that goes off when a part of you feels unsafe, overwhelmed, or anxious.

These triggers are incredibly subtle and cannot be mastered by just trying harder, gathering more data, or using common mindset or therapy-based reframing techniques.

The Key to Success: Enhancing The Quality of The Energy Behind Your Actions

Our approach is simple...

"It's not about the action that you're taking, but instead, it's the quality of the energy BEHIND the action that will determine the success of that action."

Our nearly two-decade journey to perfect NSRP means you can meet these automatic parts of yourself in a new way, helping them find what they need to calm down, rest, and reset.

We have discovered that these automatic responses are closely linked to your overall quality of life, how you interact in your relationships, and your ability to create and attract desirable circumstances into your lives.

Real success rarely comes from just doing more or working harder; it comes from focusing on the energy and intention behind our actions.

Cultivate Safety, Well-being, and Connection While Learning The Art of Successful Manifestation

It's simple - Actions driven by fear, stress, anxiety, or overwhelm only lead to more fear, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

It's the fundamental principle in physics, like attract like.

This is clearly 'low-quality energy' and undesirable; to act from here is to attract more undesirable circumstances.

True safety, well-being, and connection aren’t things you can acquire — they’re cultivated from within with committed and regular practice.

You must cultivate these qualities within yourself day by day by using precision processes that are incredibly easy to apply once you understand the deep, subtle needs of the human being.

When you cultivate a foundation of safety, well-being, and secure connection within yourself (and to others), your actions are sourced from a place of 'high quality' energy.

This is how sustainable and predictable transformation takes hold in your life.

Transforming your personal and professional life, relationships, mental and emotional well-being, and success-based actions in ways you never expected or knew were possible.

Once you cultivate these qualities within yourself, you'll see the positive changes they bring to every area of your life without question.

The Nervous System Reset Protocol is simple and effective, ready for anyone eager to learn and make profound changes to their quality of life.

Our promise?

If you commit to doing the work, you'll see the life-altering results with NSRP! 


Simply put?

The work works for you if you're willing to do the work.

We'll see you on the inside!

-Guy & Ilan Ferdman | Co-Founders of Satori Prime Coaching

The Nervous System Reset Protocol Program Focuses On 3 Key Areas

Self-to-Self Practices

What You Can Do Each Day At Home To Systematically Transform & Heal

We'll outline the exact type of active healing meditation practice that you can do on your own in 10 to 20 minutes a day that helps you identify, release, and ultimately speed up your experience of healing.

Focus 1: Learn The Frame Work Behind Our Science Backed NSRP Methodology
Focus 2: Shift Your Perspective and Upgrade Your Transformation Philosophy
Focus 3: Experience Your Body's Subtle Energy For The First Time

Self-to-Other Practices

Learning How to "Borrow" Another Nervous System For Sustained Healing

We'll outline the exact 10-minute practice you can do to reset, release, and reprogram your autonomic nervous system and allow you to practice it. 

Focus 1: The One Simple Practice That Has Transformed Countless Lives
Focus 2: Learn to Track Your Subtle Energy For Inner-Healing Purposes
Focus 3: Put Your Body Into "Healing Mode" For The First Time. Feel an Immediate Impact on Your Mind & Mood

Self-to-Group Practices

Unleash High States of Consciousness & Healing Through Group Work

We'll work at the level of group to help you locate higher states of consciousness that are more accessible in group fields.

Focus 1: Repair and Heal From Negative, Painful, or Broken Relationships
Focus 2: Experience The Power and Influence of Your Energetic System On Others
Focus 3: Have a Deep Healing Experience Through The Power of the Collective Field of Consciousness and Energy

Your Guides & Teachers

Guy & Ilan Ferdman

Meet Guy and Ilan Ferdman, dynamic coaching veterans with a combined 42 years of expertise in transforming lives. Their trailblazing approach to personal evolution and healing has uplifted and enhanced the lives of tens of thousands.

Thanks to their guidance and expertise, individuals and large organizations have soared to new heights of productivity, joy, and purpose.

Known collectively as Satori Prime, they have emerged as an invaluable resource for all those looking to ignite unimaginable positive changes in every corner of their life, relationships, and business. 

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Start Your 28-Day Guided Meditation Challenge by Unlocking 4 Active Healing Meditations to Help Restore and Repair Your Nervous System's Health While Gaining Access to Higher States of Awareness With Ease.

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Included with your order is a private members area and the benefits:

6 Breakthrough Course Modules: 10 Hours of Transformational Training w/ Guy and Ilan Ferdman, Intuitive Coaches and Trainers
Beginner and Advanced Transformational Techniques: Boost Your Performance, Confidence and Discover Profound Healing Modalities
Bonus #1: 1:1 Orientation & Custom Game Plan Call With a Client Success Coach
Get 10x The Value of Your Investment
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can this work for anyone?

Yes! We've coached thousands of people and various organizations over the last 12 years. Regardless of your life circumstances or previous attempts to change your life, this can work for you if you show up and commit to going through the videos. You don't even have to take notes!

What's the methodology used?

Our work is blended with the latest findings of neuroscience, linguistics, psychology, and therapy blended with very specific ancient wisdom techniques that create a potent experience for our students and clients, which nearly guarantees breakthroughs in the most critical areas of life.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes! We should only get paid if you get value. Hence, we have put a 14-day satisfaction guarantee on this program.  If you go through the program and you don't get the value you wanted, please get a full refund.  We are confident this program will deliver 10x your investment in value.

What is transformational coaching?

Having a coach is a way to create immediate movement, growth, and leverage in your life. Guy and Ilan Ferdman have studied human development, transformation, and healing practices for 40 years. Through their guidance and expertise, you can accelerate your learning to condense twenty years of life-changing knowledge into a few eye-opening hours.

Get the complete program now for only $37 - limited time for new students.

This special limited-time offer will not last long. Grab your program and all the resources now and get on the road to your ultimate transformation and growth.

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